"your one true self. it's hard to know which one of the voices in your head that is."
- sex/life
"your one true self. it's hard to know which one of the voices in your head that is."
- sex/life
"we fall into line. we fall into language and behavior which fits expectations men have dictated. we make ourselves smaller, less intimidating, less dangerous. (...) repressing who we are is classic unhealthy behavior. the rage that comes as a result of it is real. as is the desperate need for release. (...) women need to honor those feelings and respect their validity. the goal, of course, is to return to that one true self, regardless of how uncomfortable it makes others feel."
- sex/life
Następne spotkania były już tylko wynikiem pierwszego. Wszystko było zupełnie inaczej, niż się myśli, że jest u innych.
Z. Nałkowska, "Granica"
o takich godzinach można spać
albo dzwonić i mówić
że bez kogoś
nie można spać
We can't and don't know what others are thinking. We can't and don't know what motivations people have for doing the things they do. Ever. Not entirely. This was my terrifying, youthful epiphany. We just never really know anyone. I don't. Neither do you.
It's amazing that relationships can form and last under the constraints of never fully knowing. Never knowing for sure what the other person is. We can't do whatever we want. There are ways we have to act. There are things we have to say.
But we can think whatever we want.
Anyone can think anything. Thoughts are the only reality. It's true. I'm sure of it now. Thoughts are never faked or bluffed. The simple realization has stayed with me. It has bothered me for years and years. It still does.
- Iain Reid, "I'm thinking of ending things" Read More »
Iain Reid, "I'm thinking of ending things"
Only my mother continued to live the difficult past day in and day out. Once when she was asked about the necessity of an official Day of Holocaust Remembrance, she answered that she was in dire need of one day WITHOUT Holocaust Remembrance.
- Itamar Yaos-Kest
Mikołaj Łoziński, "Stramer"
Szacuje się, że po pandemii o 20% wzrośnie liczba zaburzeń psychicznych w populacji światowej. [Nie wszystkich -] schizofrenii na przykład nie. Są wręcz badania pokazujące, że doznania psychotyczne osób cierpiących na schizofrenię bledną w obliczu tak ostrej rzeczywistości.
- Prof. Janusz Heitzman